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Key Parts to The Book Thief

1. Who is the Protagonist?

Liesel Meminger is the protagonist. She is the main character of the story.

2. Who is the Antagonist?

The Nazis are the antagonists. The Nazis were after the Jews and sending them to concentration camps.

3. Where and when does your story take place?

The story's setting is in Nazi Germany, 1939. Leisel is adopted and tries to find a new life in the care of her new parents.

4.What point of view is the story written in?

First Person

5. Describe the tone and mood of the story. does it change and what evidence do you have of each?

In the beginning, the mood is dark and depressing. This is because Liesel ses her brother die. The tone and mood gets better.

6. Describe/explain an external conflict in the story?

An external conflict is not being able to tell anyone about Max in the basement

7. Describe/explain an internal conflict in the story?

Liesel was damaged internally when she saw the death of her brother. She dreams about him every night.

8. Give an example of one or more of the following used in the story: irony, allusion, symbolism, or imagery.

Irony: Himmel is heaven in english and that street was completely destroyed.

Allusion: Jesse Owens

Symbolism: The other bed in Liesel's room is a symbol for Liesel's dead brother.

Imagery: Death describes the setting and the atmosphere.

9. What was the climax of the story and how do you know?

When Hans gave the Jew a piece of bread. This resulted in Hans being sent to work with the LSE.

​10. Explain the falling action and resolution of the story. 

When Hans is sent home and the bombings increase. 

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